
What is cataract ?

Cataract is opacification of the lens, which is located in the eye, behind the iris.  When in good condition, when there is no cataract, it is transparent. When the lens opacifies, this is cataract; light can’t go through and vision becomes blurred.

Is a cataract procedure safe?

You should not hesitate to consult as soon as you can feel your eyesight is decreasing and to get an intervention if the surgeon thinks it is appropriate. There is no need to wait for the cataract to get worse and for your eyesight to go down progressively. No drug or eye drop therapy, no glasses change can prevent or slow down the progression of cataract. Nevertheless, despite being a common intervention, it remains sensitive and is not devoid of risk.

How do you treat cataract?

At the moment there is no efficient medical treatment. Surgery is therefore the only treatment. It consists in removing the opacified lens to restore clarity in the optical axis and replace the lens with an intraocular implant.


What is glaucoma?

Long-term open angle glaucoma is a degenerative disease affecting the optic nerve and causing progressive eysesight loss.This disease is often linked to high intaocular pressure which compresses and damages the optic nerve fibers. Eyesight loss caused by glaucoma is permanent and irreversible. Without treatment, this disease can lead to blindness.To screen a glaucoma, frequent thorough ophthalmic testing is needed, all the more after the age of 40.


Do computers damage eyesight?

At the moment, it is absolutely positive that no screen working in normal conditions can create an eye pathology in healthy people. But since the eye, when looking at a screen, must go back and forth 20 times every minute, there ensues a contraction-dilatation of the iris. Muscles commanding this contraction-dilatation can go into spasms which cause eyesight disorders and headaches. A computer screen can reveal eyesight abnormalities  which where compensated before: convergence failure, early long-sightedness…


 Comment prévenir les effet de la fatigue visuelle devant les écrans ?

– Wear glasses: They are of paramount importance, especially in cases of long-sightedness.

– Organization of work: Take a 5 minute break every 2 hours and every hour when typing. Although sometimes hard to implement, this organization contributes to visual comfort.

– The screen must be placed directly in front of the user, not on the side .

– Ambient lighting must not be bedazzling.


 Can you wear make-up when you have contact lenses on?

There is no contraindication to make-up for contact lenses wearers. But here are a few tips:

– Apply make-up after putting the lenses on and take them off before removing the make-up
– Non waterproof mascara is recommended
– For eyelids, creams are to be preferred to powders.
– Eye-liner should be applied under the eyelashes rather than on the edge of the eyelid.
– Avoid spraying the contact lenses (when using hair spray).

It is very important to remove contact lenses immediately if eyes are getting red, irritated, painful or if vision becomes blurry. If symptoms persist after a few hours with the lenses off, then seek advice from an ophthalmologist.


A quel âge peut-on faire un dépistage visuel chez un enfant ?

-In its first year, when the child is around 9 months old, it is essential to consult, screen and treat strabismus (squinting) and major amblyopias

-Later, between the age of 2 and 3, when the child starts speaking, screening measures visual acuity through various tests, crucial to detect any visual disorder which might have escaped notice in the first screening: strabismus, strong ametropias (short-sightedness, astigmatism, strong hypermetropia) but also nystagmus and other late apparition visual diseases.

-Around the age of 6, another screening, essential too, before the child starts to read. At this age, visual acuity should be close to perfection and similar in both eyes.


Quel type de lunettes choisir pour un enfant ?

Plastic frame is the rule for children glasses. The lenses should be large and tall (getting up to the eyebrow) to avoid the child’s natural tendency to look up above the lenses. The frame has to be very stable. A string can be used to fasten the frame to the nape of the neck.